Mixed Citrus Vinaigrette

Cuisinart original

Use any variety of citrus in this recipe to dress up your
typical green salad.


Makes about 1 cup


            1-inch piece shallot, peeled

1          teaspoon Dijon-style mustard

1          teaspoon fresh thyme leaves

¼         teaspoon kosher salt

            Pinch freshly ground black pepper

½         grapefruit, juiced (about 3 tablespoons)

½         orange, juiced (about 2 tablespoons)

½         lemon, juiced (about 1 tablespoon)

¼         teaspoon mixed grapefruit, orange and lemon peel, bitter                                   white pith removed

⅔         cup light olive oil

Nutritional information


Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons): Calories 168 (95% from fat)
• carb. 2g • sugar 0g • pro. 0g • fat 19g • sat. fat 3g • chol. 168mg
• sod. 82mg • calc. 2mg • fiber 0g


Put all of the ingredients, except for the olive oil, into the blending cup in the order listed. Select High and blend until mixed and ingredients are broken up, about 10 seconds.

Add oil. Select Low and blend, keeping the metal blade completely submerged, until the mixture starts to emulsify. Continue processing, using a gentle up-and-down motion, until homogenous, about 10 additional seconds.

Taste and adjust seasoning as desired.