Balsamic Peanut Sauce

Cuisinart original

A great dipping sauce for appetizers that is also delicious with beef, chicken, or pork entrees.
(Recipe created by Jason Perez, a 2003 Cuisinart Scholarship recipient.)


Yields 4 portions


4 oz. peanuts, unsalted dry roasted ¼ oz. candied ginger 2 cloves garlic 1 oz. peanut oil 1 oz. sesame oil 3 oz. balsamic vinegar 2 oz. milk 1 oz. water 2 teaspoon. soy sauce ½ teaspoon. black pepper ¼ teaspoon. salt

Nutritional information

Calories 52 (78% from fat) • carb. 2g • pro. 1g • fat 5g • sat. fat 1g • chol. 0mg • sod. 55mg • calc. 7mg • fiber 0mg


Place peanuts, garlic, and ginger in the Cuisinart food processor and chop until clumpy and sticky- almost like peanut butter. While still blending, slowly drizzle both oils and the vinegar into the peanut mixture until completely incorporated, scraping down the sides of the bowl periodically. Mix the milk and the water together and slowly whisk them into the saucepan. Once completely incorporated, add salt and pepper and slowly bring up to temperature. Once the sauce is hot, turn it off and cover if not ready to be served. DO NOT REDUCE. Sauce will become thick and pasty.