Apple and Brie Grilled Cheese (Airfryer)

Cuisinart original

The AirFryer is a great way to whip up grilled cheese sandwiches with little fuss (and less mess!). If you are looking for a change from the standard American cheese, here are a few options to up your grilled cheese game.


Makes 2 sandwiches


2            slices multigrain bread

2         teaspoons honey mustard

2         ounces Brie, well chilled and  sliced

½        small apple (crisp and juicy variety),  thinly sliced Olive oil, for spraying

Nutritional information

Nutritional information per serving:  Calories 381 (35% from fat) • carb. 46g • pro. 14g • fat 14g sat. fat 5g • chol. 28mg • sod. 603mg • calc. 134mg • fiber 6g


1 . Place the AirFryer Basket onto the Baking/Drip Pan. Reserve.

2 .  Lay the four slices of bread on a clean work surface.  Spread the honey mustard on the inside of two slices.  Evenly divide the Brie and apple between the two sandwiches and layer on top of the mustard, and then top with the other slices of bread. Evenly and liberally coat the outer sides of the bread with olive oil. Transfer to the prepared basket.

3 . AirFry in the upper position with the temperature set to 350°F for 10 minutes. AirFry until the tops are evenly browned, about 6 minutes, and then very carefully flip to brown the opposite side, another 2 minutes.

4 . Remove from the AirFryer and allow to rest for 1 to 2 minutes to cool slightly before slicing and serving.