Whipped Cream

Cuisinart original

The whisk attachment on the Cuisinart® hand blender makes whipping cream much easier than whipping it by hand.


2 Cups


  • 1¼ cups chilled heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
  • 1½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Nutritional information

Nutritional information per serving (2 tablespoons):

Calories 67 (92% from fat) • carb. 1g • sugar 1g • pro. 0g • fat 6g • sat. fat 4g

• chol. 25mg • sod. 0mg • calc. 0mg • fiber 0g


  1. Put all ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Using the whisk attachment, select Speed 1 and whisk, being sure the whisk just skims the surface of the whipped cream.
  2. Continue blending with the whisking until cream begins to thicken. Then gradually increase speed to Speed 5 and move whisk in an up-and-down motion until desired stiffness is achieved. You will reach soft peaks in about 1½ minutes.